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Mose Fanfan & CONGOBINA 2008 World dates available Kal from Serbia - To be a 21st Century Gypsy in Serbia involves navigating a potentially explosive cultural and social minefield. Currently no one acts as a more forthright guide through this mess of history, myths, traditions, prejudice and community pride than Belgrade's Kal.. Kal are a young band with rock 'n' roll in attitude, fuelled on dance beats and rooted in the Balkan blues. In their wit, imagination, ability to throw disparate sounds together and refusal to play by "folkloric" rules Kal mark themselves as both part of Balkan Gypsy tradition and 21st Century Roma cultural activists.
(2006) KEREKES BAND from Hungary – April/May + other dates TBC Hot on the trail of World Music festivals around the world following the release of their 3rd album ‘Pimasz’. Pimasz cuts a distinctive voice for the Kerekes Band: an irresistible groove of tumbling bass-lines, driving drums and wildly spiralling flute riffs. The cover dubs the music ‘Magyar Funk’…… The band was formed in 1995 and have paid their homage and their dues to their country’s musical roots. From the opening track, ‘Csángó Boogie’, they take their traditional instruments – the koboz (lute), a viola (with a flattened bridge to allow three strings to be played at once) and the flute (played by virtuoso player and band leader Zsombor Feher) – on a fantastic musical voyage that skirts punk, funk and dance, with traditional Hungarian music and some fine drumming and production underpinning it. The band must absolutely rock live. Mark Espiner – Songlines PLUS: Ireland based acts available throughout the year; The Niwel Tsumbu duo, playing acoustic jazz tinged with flavours of the Congo & Django Reinhardt. With his new album ‘Uh Eza Nzela Molayi’, just released Wiggle, Ireland’s number one digital dub quartet following the release of their new self-titled CD/EP. Sangre Latino, Italian 5 piece playing Manu Chao inspired funky/dubby jazz Harry J & The Conspiracy, Reggae and R&B from one of Ireland’s top reggae outfits Jerome Rimson, ‘The Detroit Hit Man’ who played with Van Morrison, Thin Lizzie and The Detroit Spinners amongst many, many others fronts his own projects playing authentic ‘New Orleans Blues’ or Acid Jazz Motema, Congolese Soukous and Rumba featuring Niwel Tsumbu on guitar and an all Congolese line-up Plus a line up of specialist DJs playing African, Reggae, Latin, Hip Hop, Soul and Jazz for special events Details of all these, and many more, with audio samples can be found at: African Gospel Choirs: Since the success of our African Community Gospel Choir Competition in June 2006 we are now also able to offer genuine African community gospel choirs for events throughout Ireland. The 2007 competition is due to be held at the end of June a St Fin Barre’s Cathedral Cork City. More details and audio samples can be heard at + Many other tours that we are still awaiting for period confirmation from: Jamaica, Africa, The Balkans, Europe & Asia Mose Fanfan & Congobina Available all world dates late April 2008 onwards |