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AkiDWa African Women’s Network (Akina Dada Wa Africa)
Photos from AkiDWa conference and 'Her Story' book launch 25th January 2006
![]() ![]() ![]() BOOK LAUNCH For a lot of women who seek refuge in other countries, it is often a personal and emotional struggle. Their stories and circumstances are different but they are all linked by one thing – leaving their countries, homes and often their families because of fear of persecution they have had. From Cameroon to Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Zambia and other African countries, come touching true-life experiences of 10 women in ‘Her story’, a book based on the migrating stories of African women in Ireland. DATE: 25TH JANUARY 2006 VENUE: RIPLEY COURT HOTEL, TALBOT STREET, DUBLIN 1 SEMINAR: 10AM - ‘Challenging the invisibility of black & ethnic minority women in Ireland’ BOOK LAUNCH: 3PM – ‘HER STORY’ KEY SPEAKER: Mutale Nyoni –Director of BAWSO AUTHOR: OLUTOYIN PAMELA AKINJOBI Journalist/Bilingual secretaryFor many years Pamela she has dedicated herself to promoting multiculturalism through her various write-ups and activities. Pamela from Nigeria works with the Immigrant council of Ireland and is a freelance reporter for Metro Eireann Newspaper. CONTACTS: TINA 0872296371, SALOME 0874150906 or Nobuhle 0879256565Book publication funded by ‘Ireland funds’
Akina dada wa africa (akidwa)
Invites you to a seminar on: CHALLENGING THE INVISIBILITY OF BLACK AND ETHNIC MINORITY WOMEN IN IRELAND Wednesday 25th January 2006 From 10.00 am- 5.00 pm Ripley Hotel Talbot Street, Dublin 1 AkiDwA is working with several groups in organising this seminar, these groups include, Cairde, Pavee Point, Islamic Cultural Centre, Arabic Women Group The seminar has been supported by- Cairde, Integrating Ireland, Dublin Cooperation and Dublin Inner city Partnership. CONFERENCE BACKGROUND Respect and value the full diversity of women’s situation and conditions and recognise that some women faces particular barrier to their empowerment” (Beijing Platform for action 1995) While the invisibility of black and ethnic minority women continue to be apparent, women from different backgrounds who have chosen Ireland as their home continue to empower themselves through organising and networking. Majority have and are prepared to speak out mainly on issues that affect them in their lives. With little or no resources these women uses whatever they have to improve their lives and that of their communities. This conference is being organised by Akina Dada wa Africa (AkiDwA) to give such women space to speak for themselves, share their experiences and as well strategise on how they can make greater impacts. The aims of the conference are-
BOOK LAUNCH Herstory- A book that consist 10 Migration stories of African women will be launched in the afternoon of the seminar. The stories narrate how lives of these women use to be in Africa, what caused them to migrate and the migration Journey. The publication of the book was funded by Ireland Funds. KEY NOTE SPEAKER PROFILE Mutale Nyoni –Director of BAWSO, a Women aid organisation that provides specialist services to BME women and children suffering from Domestic Violence. Ms Nyoni is also a member of the National Assembly Task & Finish Groups: Welsh Women’s Aid Corporate Funding Strategy, Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women Advisory Group and Domestic Violence Advisory Group (The Lord Chancellors Department). She is a current UK delegate to European Women‘s lobby General Assembly in Brussels. In 1997, she was awarded HTV – Welsh Woman of the Year, because of her pioneering work in Domestic Violence from Black Ethnic Minority Women’s perspective and breaking report assessing the housing needs of BME communities in Wales, entitled “From the Margins to the Centre”. She has 20 years experience working in Non-Governmental Organizations in Both UK and Africa. The focus of her work has been Gender, Domestic Violence, Social Care, HIV/AIDS and Housing. Akidwa backgroundAkina Dada wa Africa (AkiDwA) Swahili version for African sisterhood is a national network of African women living in Ireland empowering themselves and speaking for themselves in order to enhance changes on issues that affect them in their lives. AkiDwA was established in August 2001 by 7 African women living in Ireland with an aim of responding to and addressing the existing and changing needs of African women living in Ireland. It is a voluntary, non governmental organisation and a representative body for all African women living in Ireland irrespective of their national/ethnic background, tradition /religious beliefs, socio-economic, or legal status. AkiDwA’s work focuses on development and human right issues based on a gender perspective. AkiDwA mission is to promote equality for African women living in Ireland so as to ensure positive change and social justice Agenda:9.30- 10.30: Registration, Tea & Coffee 10.30: Welcome (Salome Mbugua Chair AKIDWA) and Introduction 1100: Guest Speaker – Mutale Nyonir, BASWO- Cardiff “Learning Through Experience of other Black and Ethnic Minority Women’s Groups” 11.30: Ethnic minority women and the Media – Catherine Joyce ITM and guest speaker from Muslim Community. 12.00: Workshops (See Below) 1.00: Lunch 2.00: Solidarity/ Strengthening networks (Speaker TBC) 2.15: Panel Discussion (From Akidwa, Pavee Point, Louth African Women, others TBC) 3.00: Next Action Together/ Summary 3.30: Launch of the book- Herstory 4.15- 5pm: Refreshment and Music WORKSHOPS : Please number the workshop you would like to attend in order of you favourite choice 1-5 :